The meaning of SLCC1 / SLCC in the Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 browser User Agent String

System Requirements:

  • Windows NT 6.x

The Problem:

I am seeing numerous people asking what ‘SLCC’ statements contained in the Microsoft User Agent strings for Vista and Server 2008 mean. For example:

Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727

This appears as part of the base OS install, and is not an add-in.

More Info:

Nice and easy. SLCC1 stands for Secure Licensing Commerce Client version 1.0. SLCC is the service responsible for the Windows Anytime upgrade process present in Vista and Server 2008 which allows you to upgrade Vista Home Basic to Vista Ultimate Edition, or Server 2008 Standard to Server 2008 Enterprise ad-hoc.

SLCC is present in the browser identifier tag, the User Agent, in order to allow Microsoft update servers to offer you the tantalising and irresistible promise of an even more resource heavy version of Vista!
