Quick Start Guide: Using Analog CE With Report Magic for Windows

Welcome to Analog! The worlds most popular web log analyser.

Along with Report Magic, Analog CE is a recommended upgrade for any Analog Install. The following steps outline how to install and upgrade an Analog only installation (with Report Magic).

How To

Note: Windows installation paths under c:\stats\ are provided as an example.

  1. Create a folder on the root of C Drive called ‘stats’ (c:\stats)
  2. Create a folder called ‘analog’ under c:\stats (c:\stats\analog)
  3. Download the binary edition of Analog CE for your platform (e.g. Windows)
  4. Extract the contents of the compressed file downloaded to c:\stats\analog\
  5. Create a folder called ‘logs’ under c:\stats (c:\stats\logs)
  6. Create a folder called ‘report’ under c:\stats (c:\stats\report)
  7. You now need to create a configuration file for analog you can either do this by editing the file c:\stats\analog\analog.cfg or by using the Analog CE Configuration Generator.
    If you are a beginner you may find using the automatic generator easier.The details that you need for the Configuration File Generator are:
    Log File Path: c:\stats\logs
    Output Type: Report Magic
    Output Path: c:\stats\report
    If you use the generator, copy and paste the settings it provides into Windows Notepad, save the file as analog.cfg under c:\stats\analog\ (c:\stats\analog\analog.cfg), overwriting as necessary
  8. Copy your web server log files into the c:\stats\logs folder (they must be .log files if using the Configuration Generator)
  9. Create a folder called ‘rm’ under c:\stats (c:\stats\rm)
  10. Download Report Magic from www.reportmagic.org
  11. Install Report Magic to c:\stats\rm (or extract it into this location)
  12. Open the file c:\stats\rm\rmagic.ini in Windows Notepad (if it doesn’t exist copy and rename the file rmagic.sample to rmagic.ini)
  13. Edit the line ‘File_In = sample.dat’ to read
    File_In = c:\stats\report\report.dat
  14. Edit the line ‘File_Out = reports\’ to read
    File_Out = c:\stats\report\
  15. Save and close the file
  16. Open a Command Prompt and type the following and press return:
    cd /d “c:\stats\analog”
  17. Type ‘analog’ and press return. Analog will now run using your configuration file. Any errors will be reported on the screen
  18. Type and press return for the command:
    cd /d “c:\stats\rm”
  19. Type ‘rmagic’ and press return. Report Magic will now run using your configuration file. Any errors will be reported to the screen
  20. Open the file index.html found under c:\stats\report to view the results